Sunday, July 30, 2017

Can We Find a Way? by Slaughter

SONG-Can We Find a Way?

Searchin' for a way to make it work. Forget about your foolish pride and let's find a way. Pleading, "Can we find a way?"

Songwriter-Mark Slaughter & Dana Strum

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Burnin' Bridges by Slaughter

SONG-Burnin' Bridges
ALBUM-Stick It To Ya

If you are goin' to be burnin' bridges, you might as well have the lyrics, "liar, liar, with your pants on fire." This song is one of my favorites. Slaughter doesn't hold back telling all those silly "prissy" prissies that it's time to get on with their lives. Hit me while the flame is hot, why doncha?

Songwriter-Mark Slaughter & Dana Strum

Sunday, July 16, 2017

All Fired Up by Slaughter

SONG-All Fired Up
ALBUM-Back to Reality

"Got my motor runnin'." Heavy hitting, just like most of the songs on the Back to Reality album. Love how Mark Slaughter adds that extra "a" on his words. "Burn-a." There is some very innovative guitar playing on this track using futuristic-sounding riffs. "Burn-a!"

Songwriter-Mark Slaughter, Dana Strum, Blas Elias, Jeff Blando

Sunday, July 9, 2017

You're My Everything by Slaughter

SONG-You're My Everything

Throwback to the gentle 70s, this love anthem sings to the heart of someone's everything. There's a flavor of The Eagles, "Tequila Sunrise" when Mark Slaughter sings, "Every night when the Sun goes down, all I want is to be around you," makes me want to sing, "Every night when the Sun goes down, just another lonely boy in town."

Songwriter-Mark Slaughter & Dana Strum

Sunday, July 2, 2017

You Are the One by Slaughter

SONG-You Are the One
ALBUM-Stick It To Ya

"You are the one, the one I need to make my dreams come true. Oh, you should know, I love you so."

Slaughter is really good at singing love ballads, even when I'm thinking of a different song every time I hear,  "You Are the One."

Compare Lionel Richie's "You Are."  "You are the sun, you are the rain, that makes my life this foolish game. You need to know I love you so."

Songwriter-Mark Slaughter & Dana Strum